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Building my Business Foundation


Updated: May 22, 2022

Sharday Johnson

Jan 7,2021

Edit: 4/25/21

Looking to start a new business and unsure of the route to take? As of 2019 via social media and what's trending- it seems to be a trend to start a business. Starting a business is like writing a essay it has a beginning ,climax ,rising action, falling action and a conclusion. All in all these things can be used in your business structure. When creating your business structure think of it as if you were writing a rough draft to your college professor. Are you writing to impress, inform ,or get a point across?

Starting a business is harder than it looks. Nobody starts off with a line full of customers waiting to hand them money. We seen first hand businesses take off because they had active clientele waiting for a release.

When creating your business structure think of questions such as

Whos your ideal client?

What's your ideal audience like?

What products would you offer ?

Starting a business is harder than it looks. Nobody starts off with a line full of customers waiting to hand them money, unless you already have active clientele waiting on your release.. Building a brand takes time patience and a clear mindset. Once you establish the route you want to take it gets easier from there. To start



Starting a business is harder than it looks. Nobody starts off with a line full of customers waiting to hand them money. We seen first hand businesses take off because they had active clientele waiting for a release. Once establish the route you want to take it gets easier from there. To start

-Business name


-Contact Info

-Business Structure

-Business Plan

-Tax /Ein

-Bank Account

-Register Business

-Business Funding




Research is important because it plays an huge part in how a company runs. Regardless of what market your in do your research it can make or break your company in the long run . With the way the world is constantly evolving so is the markets and or demand for products higher /lower. You either want to bring something new to the market ,revamp something old ,or create a new process. Research helps your brand become aligned. Knowing your market like what's popular, trending, and what can i bring to the market is all great questions to think about. Research what type of audience you want .Becoming aware of the best business structures , marketing strategies, and the market your in could help build your brand.

It teaches you to be prepared for the constant changing of whatever market.



When choosing your vendors list or your vendors to work with consider their location , method of shipping, & years in service. Whether the vendor is located in the US or outside of the US . Have clear understanding and speak clearly of products you want to receive, their company policies, shipping methods, returns etc. You want to establish a RELATIONSHIP with your vendors after all they will be packing and shipping your company products. Working with vendors first hand lays the foundation for your company. You want to work with vendors you trust who will not only bring you great products but great service. The better the product the more your company bring loyal customers.



There is always other options if you don’t have money on hand to start your venture. With drop shipping- which allows a company to have products on their website they don't have hands on. Drop-shipping is an awesome way for start up company's to start selling and receiving payment for goods their store offers. Once a customer places an order with your store an third party will package and ship your products. Your store does the lightwork.

Drop-shipping has its dos/dont's. Be aware of drop-shipping mishaps like

-missing items

-items sent to incorrect address

- customer received wrong items

-incorrect packaging

-delayed receiving time



When marketing your products you want to appeal to all clientele new and old. Create a marketing strategy that works for your company. If your goal is to increase sales and clientele-create a marketing strategy that will help to market and best suits your brand name. Marketing your brand could be anything from simple emails saying "were open " ,"we restocked" ,"sale" ,"new item", "blow out sale ", "coupons",etc. Whether you're marketing via email ,social media, or in person always have your marketing it could make or break your sales. Knowing the difference between a hard sales - hardcore selling and soft sales-usually persuading someone to buy..

A Hard sale example “We have all this product buy it”

Soft Sale example “We have these accessories in for half off limited time“

You always want to break down the way you sell or persuade your customers to buy

Investing in your company


Think of investing in your company like money that will always double or triple in profit. No dollar amount should be considered too expensive for your business. Determining the best products are considered an investment. When picking your products whether online or in person you want to choose products that will represent your company in the best way and shows off your brand name.

Building a brand takes time patience and a clear mindset. The first rule of thumb in business is being able to evolve with constant change. You want to be clear on your goals when it comes to business. Always research and know your target audience . Always make an impression and know your field because you will be tested in many different ways from no sales to no active clientele. You want to have your goals, values and your plan in order to succeed with whichever venture you decide to embark on. Dont rush greatness it will come .


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